What We Offer

Our clients today are like Sony Music needing to be Spotify. Most traditional industries today are like Sony Music. Yet Sony Music people can’t create, can’t run, and simply aren’t Spotify people. No one can ask anyone to do more than they understand.

Platforms like Pirate Bay enabled Spotify by creating disruptive market conditions that triggered new competition and innovation. Without Pirate Bay – the enabler – the music industry would still be the same. And now, ten years down the road, Sony Music has failed to offer a viable streaming platform of their own…

So how can your organization be for your industry, or how can your business unit be for your organization, what Spotify has been for the music industry? And what’s your enabler?

We have some answers for you.

The Starting Point enables organizations doing large-scale change. We implement a new paradigm for being future ready.

We set your strategic direction with Pacetracer, an interactive tool for understanding, measuring, and developing your innovation climate and readiness. We engage the whole organization as we cascade a new learning habitat: an innovating and high performing culture. Together, we embed the right life conditions, the key leadership practices, and the core competencies needed to thrive and win in our VUCA world.

To reach everyone throughout the organization, we use a world-leading, mobile platform to boost learning, creativity, and collaboration at a lower cost and a faster pace.